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Child Of The Universe chords The Byrds G D C Em 2x
GLove for DanyCone who Emneeds her GInnoDcence is Call that Emfeeds herF C CRolling through the mist GFloating Din a Csea of Emmadness GReaching Dfor the Cheights of EmgladnessF D DOr did she exist?
EmSwirling ions from the Astars DStreaming down onto the Emearth GFrom a galaxy like Dours AManifested in her Bmbirth EmChild of the UniAverse DGiving freely of herEmself GPurity of truth reDhearse ALeaving man her cosmic Bmwell
GLove for DanyCone who Emneeds her GInnocDence is Call that Emfeeds herF C CRolling through the mist GFloating Din a Csea of Emmadness GReaching Dfor the Cheights of EmgladnessF D DOr did she exist?
EmVision of an untouched Agrace DWalking gaily through the Emsun GNo one else could take her Dplace ANor the work that she'd beBmgun GLove for DanyCone who Emneeds her GInnocDence is Call that Emfeeds her CRolling through the mist GKnowing Dwhat is CunderEmstanding GPatience Dthat is CundeEmmanding FOr did she exDist? FOr did she exDist? FOr did she exDist?