Byrds - Born to rock n roll
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From RICKL1@IX.NETCOM.COM Sun Apr 27 11:38:42 1997
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 20:26:52 GMT
Subject: Born To Rock N Roll The Byrds Chords/Words
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The Byrds Born To Rock N Roll written by Roger McGuinn
GSome people born in old KenAmtuckey
Think they're Cliving in a Dtunnel mine of Gcoal
GOther people born not quite so Amlucky
They're doing Ceverything by Dselling out their Gsoul
GI believe that everybody was born for Amsomething^'
Just to Cfeed them and Dkeep them from the Gcold
GSometimes you get to do the things your Ammeant to
And I Cknow that I was Dborn to rock n Groll
Born to rock n Droll satify your Gsoul gonna rock n Droll satisfy your G
Gonna rock n Droll satisfy your Gsoul gonna rock n Droll satisy your Gsoul
Gonna rock n Droll satisfy your Gsoul
GAlways wanted to be a Amfireman just to Csteer the hook and Dladder from
GThen I thought I'd be a great Aminventor
But I Cfound it might be to Dhard on my Gmind
I know that everybody's born for Amsomething
Just to Cfeed them it's all in the Dcards you Ghold
I believe in Ammagic and I belCieve that I was Dborn to rock n Groll
GBorn to rock n roll satify your soul gonna rock n roll satisfy your
Gonna rock n Droll satisfy your Gsoul gonna rock n Droll satisy your Gsoul
Gonna rock n Droll satisfy your Gsoul
Copyright @ 1973 Patian/Blackwood Music(BMI)
From the "The Byrds" LP Asylum Records 1973