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Just giving back a little of what I take from the net !! Questions, Comments or tab suggestions please forward to Vincent M. Veltri ================================================================== HEART BEAT BUDDY HOLLY ( lead cords: A // / D A E // / A E ) Chorus
AHeart beat why do you Dmiss when my Ebaby kisses Ame Verse AHeart beat why does a Dlove kiss stay Ein my Amemory EPitity-pat, I Dknow that new love Athrills me I Dknow that true love Awill Ebe
Chorus Solo Verse
AHeart beat why do you Dskip when my Ebaby's lips meet Amine ' Aheart beat why do you Dflip then give Eme a skip beat Asign ' EPitity-pat , and Dsing to me love Astories and Dbring to me love AglEory