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The Last Carnival chords Bruce Springsteen Capo III F F G 4x F/C F/C F/C F/F G
FSun Fdown, Fsun Fdown, they're Ftaking Fall the Ftents Fdown FWhere have you gone my handsome FBilly?
FSun Fdown, Fsun Fdown, the Fcarnival Ftrains Fleaving Ftown FWhere are you now darling FBilly?
GWe won't be dancing together Fon the high Gwire, facing the Flions with you at my Gside anyFmore GWe won't be breathing the Fsmoke and the Gfire, F/C F/C F/C F/F G on a midway
GHanging from the trapeze, my Fwrists waiting for your Gwrists Two daredevils high uFpon the wall of Gdeath You throwing the knife, it lands Finches from my Gheart F/C F/C F/C F/F Sun down
FMoon rise, moon rise, the Flight that was in your Geyes is Fgone aFway FDaybreak, daybreak, the Fthing in you that made me Gache is Fgonna Fstay
GWe'll be riding the train witFhout you toGnight The train that Fkeeps on Fmoving, it s black smoke Fscorching the evening Fsky
GMillions of stars shining above us like Fevery soul living and Gdead It's been gathered together by God, sing a Fhymn over your Gbones
FSun Fdown, Fsun Fdown, FEmpty Fare the FfairFgrounds FWhere are you now handsome FBilly?
HFi HFi HGi Gsus4. . . G.