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source:'100~Reason+To+Believe REASON TO BELIEVE from Nebraska HARMONICA INTRO: F#
Seen a man standing over a dead dog by the Bhighway in a F#ditch He's looking down kinda puzzled poking that dog with a C#stick Got his car door F#flung open he's Bstandin' out on highway 3F#1 Like if he stood there Blong eF#nough that C#dog'd get up and F#run Struck me kinda BfunnyF# seem kinda C#funny sir to F#me Still at the end of every Bhard F#day people C#find some reason to beF#lieve
Now Mary Lou loved Johnny with a love Bmean and F#true She said baby I'll work for you every day and bring my money home to C#you One day he up and F#left herB and ever since F#that She waits down at the end of that Bdirt F#road C#for young Johnny to come F#back Struck me kinda BfunnyF# seemed kind of C#funny yeah inF#deed How at the end of every Bhard earned F#day people C#find some reason to beF#lieve
Take a baby to the river BKyle William they called F#him Wash the baby in the water take away little Kyle's C#sin In a whitewash shotF#gun shack Ban old man passes aF#way Take his body to the BgraveF#yardC# over him they F#pray Lord won't you Btell F#us, tell us C#what does it F#mean At the end of every Bhard earned F#day people C#find some reason to beF#lieve Congregation gathers Bdown by the riverF#side Preacher stands with his Bible groom stands waiting for his C#bride Congregation F#gone the sun sets beBhind a weeping willow F#tree Groom stands aC#lone and watches the river rush on so effortlessF#ly BWonderF#ing where C#can his baby F#be Still at the end of every Bhard earned F#day people C#find some reason to beF#lieve
HARMONICA OUTRO: B F# C# F# B F# C# F# ----------------------------------------- NOTES: TUNING: The tuning to play in the key above is slightly flat, not quite a whole semitone. Live the song is played in 'G' which makes me think that this was possibly played in 'G' but his guitar was maybe out of tune. To transpose F#=G, B=C and C#=D...or tune down slightly. ----------------------------------------- CHORDS: EADGBE ------ F# 244322 B X24442 C# X46664