Bright Eyes - Trees get wheeled away
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Cap on first fret, standard tuning.
CAnchormen spike their blood
Gwear masks of mud
cucumbers cut to Cfit their eyes F
and so noC one would know how tired they've grown G
of tCalking and tellinGg their lies C
Cwhile your tvs change stations
scroll meGssages
victims and christiCans both drinking blood F
and they pray for the dCestruction of all hatred G
more often just those witCh hate for us G C
caCuse it hurts when you discover one's worse and one's bettGer.
Cto suffer or cause others to F
Cand you can live by your conscience
now guilGt is a concept
you're no lConger subscribGing to C
there's a virgFin in my bed G
and she's takinCg off herG dress Am
and i'mF not sure what i am gonnaC do G
there's a song Fstuck in my head G
and i canC't help singinGg it Am
oh hoFw i hope my singing pleaCses you G
cause i am not who I've Ambecome
but what you maGde me into C
oh we got no heaClth insurance
no ceGllular service
no diCsease they can cure F
but we need more money to burCn
so each persoGn must learn the dollar amount thCey are Gworth C
and your pills Cmake me dizzy
forgeGtting my body
i Cwatch as it walks away F
and i just keep drinkingC the poison
and smoGking the cartons
a pCack and a half aG day C
so when time cComes to claim me
my friGends and my family will gather around myC grave F
and they'll belieCve that they knew me and love me and miss me G
and allC call me by myG name C
Fso imagine what you want G
and then hold Con to that Gthought Am
cause thatF's as close as it will evCer come G
and beFlieve you're where you are and keep actGing out the part C Am
but at the end oFf the end of the day the trees all get wheeleCd away G
and you'll be standinAmg alone in a blank blank Gspace C Am
so bFelieve you're who you are G
and staCy in charGacter Am
but at the end oFf the play the audience walCks away G
and you'll be shiveriAmng cold on a well lit stageG. C
That's how I play it. It's the first song I've tabbed, and it's really just chords.
I don't know if this is going to line up correctly, but you get the point. I have it
lined correctly in a microsoft works document if anyone wants it.
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