Bright Eyes - One foot in front of the other
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Capo: 3
(Capo on 3rd Fret)
Just get the timing right!
Chord Chart
C G Am
the chords are in relation to the capo on the 3rd fret.
If Cyou walk away I’ll walk away
First Ctell me which yoGu road you wiCll take
I Amdon’t wannGa risk our pathCs crossingAm some day
So Cyou walk that waGy I’ll walk thCis way
The Cfuture hangs Gover our Cheads
And it Cmoves with each Gcurrent eCvent
Until it Amfalls all aGround us
Like a Ccold steady Amrain
Just stay Cin when it’Gs looking thiCs way
The Cmoon’s layinGg low in thCe sky
Forcing Ceverything Gmeadow to Cshine
And the Amsidewalk hold Gdiamonds like a Cjewellery store Amcase
They argue ?C??walk this way, nGo walk this waCy’
CLaura’sG asleep in mCy bed
As I’Cm leaving shGe wakes up anCd says
‘I dreamed you werAme takenG away on thCe crest of Ama wave
Baby Cdon’t goG away come Chere’
And there’Cs kids playinGg guns in thCe street
And one’Cs pointing hiGs tree branch aCt me
So I Amput my hands Gup, and say ??C?enough isAm enough,
If Cyou walk away GI’ll walkC away’ (and then he shot me dead)
CI found a Gliquid Ccure
For my Gland love Cblues
And we’Fd passG away, like Ca slow Amparade
It’Cs leaving but GI don’t know Chow soon
The Cworld’s got mGe dizzyC again
You’d think afteCr 2G2 years I’dC be used to the spin
And it Amonly feels Gworse when I Cstay in one Amplace
So I’m alwayCs pacing around oGr walkingC away
I Cdrinking the Gink from my Cpen
And I’Cm balancinGg history bookCs up on my head
And it Amall boils Gdown to one Cquotable Amphrase:
‘If yoCu love somethinGg give itC away’
A good Cwoman will Gpick you aCpart
A box Cfull of suGggestions for a Cpossible heart
And you Ammay be ofGfended and you Cmay be aAmfraid
But Cdon’t walk awaGy don’t walkC away
We made Clove on the Gliving room Cfloor
With the Cnoise in the Gbackground from the Ctelevised war
And in the Amdeafening Gpleasure I thought I Cheard someone Amsay
If Cwe walk away Gthey’ll walCk away
But Cgreed is a Gbottomless Cpit
And our Cfreedom’s Ga joke we’re jCust taking the piss
And the Amwhole world must Gwatch the sad Ccomic disAmplay
If you’rCe still free starGt runningC away
(cos they’ll come for you!)
I’ve growCn tired oGf holding thiCs pose
I feel Cmore like a Gstranger each Ctime I come home
So I’Amm making Ga deal with thCe devil’sAm of fame
Saying ‘leCt me walk awaGy, pleasCe’
‘you’llC be free chGild once you hCave died
And then Amwe can trade Gplaces, play Cmusical Amgrace
Tell me ?C??walk awaGy walk away walkC away’’
CSo I’Gm up aCt dawCn, puttinGg on mCy shoes
I just Fwanna Gmake, a Cclean eAmscape
I’Cm leaving but GI don’t know whCere to
I’Cm leaving but GI don’t know whCere to