Bright Eyes - Haile selassie
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Bright Eyes' final album comes out Feb. 15th (Conor's birthday.) This is the second
single released and available for download.
CPilgrim across the water
FWe are the same brother
FHitchhiking back to FZion
FHolding our tears as we Fflip the album
CWhat if this leads to ruin?
FYou got a soul, use it
FAll this despair forgFiven
FRolling away on the FWheel of Sevens
CSings like the Queen of Sheba
FVoice through a Blonde Speaker
FOne dropping bubble and FLeslie
FCalling me home like FHaile Selassie
Am F Am F
CPilgrim beside the fire
FIt's been a long winter
FWe got a lot in Fcommon
FCover our heads as they Fsplit the atom
CAll of our days are numbered
FI'll take in some comfort
FIn knowing the wave has Fcrested
FKnowing I don't have to Fbe an exception
CChildren they fill the bleachers
FOne is the next Caesar
FKeep all their mindsF collected
FUntil he comes
FUntil he comes
DmHide the Omega Fday in plain sight
CToo gFood to be Ftrue
CI seen, FI seen, FI seen Fstranger things man
CI seen, IF seen that Ftree of Fsmoke
Yeah CI seen, I Fseen, I seen,F I seen Fstranger things ChappenF
FHappen F before
C F F F x 2
CPilgrim up on the mountain
FBarefoot and still climbin'
FFilling the book ofF hours
FDay after day in the Ffilth and squalor
CWe are the chosen people
FSafe from the next evil
FOne love!
Magnetic Fmemory
FReel after reel
FSpinning within me
DmI had the wildest Fdream last night
CI was sFwimming with youF
In that Dmcenote the Heavens Fmade with black fireC
JustF woke up too Fsoon
CI seen, FI seen, FI seen Fstranger things man
CI seen, FI seen those Fdaytime Fghosts
Yeah, CI seen, I Fseen, I seen,F I seen sFtranger things Chappen F
FHappenF before
C F F F x 2
CI seen, FI seen, FI seen Fstranger things man
CI seen, FI seen that Ftree of Fsmoke
Yeah, CI seen, I Fseen, I seen,F I seen Fstranger thingsC happenF
FHappen F before
Tabbed by: Chris Johnson
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