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SirB I'm a bit nervous aGbbout being here today, StC#mill not quite sure what I'm goinGbg to say. SoB bare with me please if I F#take up too much ofDbm your Ebm7time.{ } E Gb { } Abm { } Bbm Em
SeBe in this box isGb/Bb a ring for your oldest, ShDbme's my everything anEmd all that I know is, ItB would be such a relief if I knew F#we were on the same siDbmde.




E 'CF#susuz very soon I'm hoping that IF#,
Can marry your daugBhter, And make her my wiGb/Bbfe. I want her to Dbm7be the only girl tEbm7hat I


lovEe for the restGb of my life, B And give her the F#best of me till the day Dbm7that I dEbm7ie. E Gb I'm gonna marry youBr princess and make her Gb/Bbmy queen. She'll be the most beDbm7autiful bride that I've ever seeEmn. I can't wait to sEb7mile, When she walks down the aAbm7isle, On the arm of her Db7father, On thEme day that I marry your daughteBr. Gb/Bb EM7 She's beenB here every step since thGbe day that we met. Scared to deathDbm to think of what would happenGbsus if she eveGbr left. SoB don't you ever worry aboGbut me ever treating Dbmher { }baEbm7d. { } E Gb { } Abm Bbm { } Em I've got Bmost of the vows done sGbo far. So bring on the beDbmtter or worst, and tEmill death do us part There's no Bdoubt in my mind GbIt's time I'm readDbmy to




E I Gbsusswear to you with all of my Gbheart,
Can marry your daugBhter, And make her my wiGb/Bbfe. I want her to Dbm7be the only girl tEbm7hat I


lovEe for the restGb of my life, B And give her the F#best of me till the day Dbm7that I dEbm7ie. E Gb I'm gonna marry youBr princess and make her Gb/Bbmy queen. She'll be the most beDbm7autiful bride that I've ever seeEmn. I can't wait to sEb7mile, When she walks down the aAbm7isle, On the arm of her Db7father, On thEme day that I marry your daughteAr.
...( bridge )....
A The first time I saw E/Abher I swear I kGnew that I'd say GbI doGbsus. Gb ...3rd Chorus:
I'm gonna marry your daughBter, And make her my wiGb/Bbfe. I want her to bDbm7e the only girl that I Ebmlove




thGbe rest of my life, B And give her the Gbbest of me till the day that I Dbmdie.{ } Dbm { } Ebm { } Ebm { } E
...(overtone..up 1 note..)
I'm F#gonna marry your prDbincess and make her Ab/Cmy queen. She'll be the most bEbm7eautiful bride that I've ever Gbmseen. I can't wait to Fm7smile, When she walks down the Bbmaisle, On the arm of her Eb7father, On the dGbmay that I marry your daughter.
Outro: Db Ab/C F#Maj7