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Capo at 7th, transpose +7,(or leave like this to sing with baritones!) ask if you want chord fingering help. intro: F FM7 Ebadd9 Bb/D F C/E Bb/D C7


you lFM7ook into my eEb/Fyes, and you sBbee the crazy gypsy in my sC7susoul


C7 FIt al


ways FM7comes as a surEb/Fprise, when I fBbeel my withered roots begin to grC7susow


C7 Well I nAm7ever had a place that I could cBball


my F/Avery


oGm7wn But tBbhat's alright, myC7sus love, 'cause you're my hoFme. C/E Ebadd9 Bb/D


you tFM7ouch my weary Eb/Fhead, and you tBbell me everything will be aC7suslright


C7 F - FΔ7 Eb/F Bb C7sus - C7 You say, "Use my body for your bed, and my love will keep you warm throughout the night." Am7 Bb -F/A- Gm7 Well I never be a stranger and I'll never be alone WherBbever we're togC7susether, that's my hoFme. C/E Bb/D F/C
DmHome can be the CPennsylvania TuFrnpike, IDmndiana's eCarly morning dGm7ew, oh! DmHigh up in the hCills of CalifFornia, hDmome is just anCother word for Gmyou.


FAnd i


f I tFM7ravel all my Eb/Flife, and I nBbever get to stop and settle C7susdown


C7 FLong


as I hFM7ave you by my Eb/Fside, oh there's a rBboof above and good walls all aC7susround


C7 You're my Am7castle, you're my cabin, and my inBbstan


t pF/Aleasu


re dGm7ome. I nBbeed you in my hoC7sususe, 'cause you're my hoFme. C/E Ebadd9 Bb/D
You're myF hoC/E - meBb/D. C7 F