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[Verse 1]
AThere you go ESlipping away into a Fstate of grace DmI know the look that comes A#across your face EIt's so familiar to Ame
AHere I am ETrying to keep you in my Fline of sight DmI'm never certain that you A#read me right ESometimes you don't want to Asee
F#mHere we are EBoth of us know we're in F#mlove EBut that isn't always eF#mnough EI never could rise Bmabove it all, Edown I fall
[Verse 2]
But darling Athere you go ESlipping away into a Fstate of grace DmGranted, this world is not a A#perfect place EStill it's the world that I'm Ain
AHere I am ETalking while you don't hear a Fword I say DmKnowing you're watching me from A#far away ESomewhere that I've never bAeen
EDon't you see GmYou lived a different F#mlife than me FmIt don't mean you Ahave to be Eafraid of how BmWe're not the same, Edon't leave me now
But darling Athere you go ESlipping away F Dm A# Dm E A
F#mHow can I EGet you to stay where you F#mare? EKeep you from going too F#mfar EHolding you here is so Bmhard to do, EI'm losing you
And darling Athere you go ESlipping away into a Fstate of grace DmDrifting away into your sacreA#d place ESomeplace that I've never Abeen
AThere you go ESlipping awFay DmSlipping away Einto a state of gArace
AThere you go ESlipping awFay Einto a state of Agrace DmYeah, drifting aA#way Einto that sacred pAlace