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This tab is pretty much perfect. Couldn't find an accurate version with the Ebmaj7, G7/D, D7's and the Fsus. The other versions have got a Gm instead of Ebmaj7 which sounds awful. Play the song yourself and find out. Same goes with the Csus to G... it's acutally a Fsus to G... on the D/A you could play D/F# or use both F# and A. Peace brothers and sisters
GShe's got a D/F#way aboEmut her, G7/D I don'Ct know what it is But I knD7ow th


at C/EI can't


liD7/F#ve witho


utD her GShe's got a D/F#way of plEmeasin, G7/D I don'Ct know what it is But there dD7oesn'


t haC/Eve t


o bD7/F#e a re


asDon, anywEbmaj7ay Fsus4 G
GShe's got a sD/F#mile that heEmals meG7/D, I doCn't know why it is But I hD7ave t


o lC/Eaugh wh


en D7/F#she rev


eaDls me GShe's got a D/F#way of taEmlkin'G7/D, I doCn't know what it is But it D7lifts


me C/Eup w


henD7/F# we ar


e Dwalkin',Ebmaj7 anywhereFsus4 G
She coDmes to me when I'm fAmeelin' down, inspGires me, withGmout a sound She toD/Auches me and I F#7/A#get turned around Bm Bm/A G
GShe's got a D/F#way of sEmhowinG7/D', hCow I make her feel And I fD7ind th


e stC/Erength


to D7/F#keep on


goiDn' GShe's got a lD/F#ight aroEmund her, G7/D and evCerywhere she goes A mD7illi


on dC/Ereams


of D7/F#love surr


ouDnd her, everEbmaj7ywhere Fsus4 G
She coDmes to me when I'm fAmeelin' down, inspGires me, withGmout a sound She toD/Auches me and IF#7/A# get turned around Bm Bm/A
GShe's got a sD/F#mile that heEmals meG7/D, I doCn't know why it is But I hD7ave t


o lC/Eaugh wh


en D7/F#she reve


alDs me GShe's got a D/F#way aboEmut her, G7/D I don'Ct know what it is But I kD7now t


hatC/E I can


't lD7/F#ive wit


houDt her, anyEbmaj7way Fsus4 G