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Tuning: G C E A
FCome out VirginiaC don't let mAme wait YouF Catholic girls start Gmuch too latCe ButF sooner or later it cComes down to Amfate IF might as well be the oGne
They Fshowed you a statue and Ctold you to Ampray They Fbuilt you a temple andG locked you Caway But Fthey never told you the Cprice that you pay Am For Fthings that you might have Gdone
For only the good die Cyoung Fthat's what IG said Only the Cgood die young Fonly the Ggood dieC young
You might haveF heard I run with a CdangerousAm crowd We Fain't too pretty we Gain't tooC proud We Fmight be laughing aG bit too Amloud But Fthat never hurt no Gone
So Fcome on Virginia Cshow me a Amsign SFend up a signal I'll Gthrow you the lCine The Fstained-glass curtain you're Chiding beAmhind NFever lets in the Gsun
Darlin' only the good die Cyoung Fwhoa Goh Only the Cgood die Fyoung only the goodG die yCoung
You got a nGice white dress and a paFrty on your confirCmation You got a bDrand new soul and a Fcross of gold But VirGginia they didn't give you qFuite enough inforCmation You didn't Dcount on me when you were counting on your Frosary
COhDm ohC oGh And they Fsay there's a heaven for Cthose who will Amwait SFome say it's better butG I say it Cain't I'd rather Flaugh with the sinners than Gcry with the Amsaints The Fsinners are much more Gfun
For only the good dCie young Fthat's what I Gsay Only the goodC die youngF only the goodG die yCoung
You say your Gmother told you all that I could FGive you was a reputCation She never Dcared for me but did she ever Fsay a prayer for me
COhDm ohC oGh Come out come out comFe out Virginia don'Ct let me waitAm You FCatholic girls start Gmuch too Clate But Fsooner or later it Ccomes down to Amfate I Fmight as well be the Gone
For only the good die Cyoung Fthat's what I Gsay Only the Cgood die young Fonly the Ggood die Cyoung