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Well I'm Gon the DDowneaster Em"Alexa" And I'm Gcruising through DBlock Island EmSound I have Ccharted a Gcourse to the AmVineyard But Gtonight I am DNantucket Embound
CWe took on Ddiesel back in GMontauk Cyesterday CAnd left this Dmorning from the Gbell in Gardiner's DBay CLike all the Dlocals here I've Ghad to sell my Chome CToo proud to Dleave I worked my Gfingers to the Dbone
So I could Gown my DDowneaster Em"Alexa" And I Ggo where the Docean is Emdeep There are Cgiants out Gthere in the Amcanyons And a Ggood captain Dcan't fall Emasleep
CI've got Dbills to pay and Gchildren who need Cclothes CI know there's Dfish out there Gbut where God only Dknows CThey say these Dwaters aren't Gwhat they used to Cbe CBut I've got Dpeople back on Gland who count on Dme
So if you Gsee my DDowneaster Em"Alexa" And if you Gwork with the Drod and the Emreel Tell my Cwife I am Gtrolling AmAtlantis And I Gstill have my Dhands on the Emwheel
Now I Gdrive my DDowneaster Em"Alexa" More and Gmore miles from Dshore every Emyear Since they Ctell me I Gcan't sell no Amstripers And there's Gno luck in Dswordfishing Emhere.
CI was a Dbayman like my Gfather was Cbefore CCan't make a Dliving as aG bayman Danymore CThere ain't much Dfuture for a Gman who works the Csea CBut there ain't no Disland left for Gislanders like Dme