Billy Joel - Billy joel
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C G Am C F C D G
C G Am C F G C C F F C C F F
Its Cnine o'Gclock on a sAmaturday C
The Fregular crCowd shufflDes in G
There's an Cold manG sitting Amnext to me C
Making lFove to his Gtonic and Cgin C
C G Am C F G C C F F
He says Cson can you Gplay me a Ammemory C
I'm nFot really sCure how it gDoes G
But it's sCad and its sGweet and I kAmnew it compleCte
when FI wore a Gyounger man's CclothesC
AmLa da Cda de de Da D7 D7 Am
C D7 D7 G G7 G* G7*
da da de de Da da DA
CSing us a Gsong you're thAme piano maCn
FSing us a Csong tonDight G
Well we're aCll in the mGood for a mAmelody C
and Fyou've got us Gfeeling all Cright C
C G Am C F G C C F F C C F F
Now JCohn at the Gbar he's aAm friend of miCne,
he Fgets me my Cdrinks for Dfree G
And he's Cquick with a Gjoke or to Amlight up your Csmoke
but there's Fsome place that Ghe'd rather Cbe C
He says Cbill I Gbelieve this is Amkilling me, C
as the smFile ran awaCy from his fDace, G
Well I'm Csure that I Gcould be a mAmovie staCr,
if I cFould get oGut of this Cplace C
AmLa da Cda de de Da D7 D7 Am
C D7 D7 G G7 G* G7*
da da de de Da da DA
Now PaCul is a rGeal estate Amnovelist C
who Fnever had Ctime for a Dwife G
And he's Ctalking with GDavy who's Amstill in the Cnavy
and Fprobably wGill be for Clife C
C G Am C F G C C F F
And the Cwaitress is Gpractising Ampolitics C
As the Fbusinessmen Cslowly get Dstoned G
yes they're Csharing a Gdrink they cAmall lonelinessC
but its Fbetter than Gdrinking Calone C
CSing us a Gsong you're thAme piano maCn
FSing us a Csong tonDight G
Well we're aCll in the mGood for a mAmelody C
and Fyou've got us Gfeeling all Cright C
C G Am C F G C C F F C C F F
It's a Cpretty good Gcrowd for a Amsaturday C
And the Fmanager Cgives me a Dsmile G
Cause he Cknows that it's Gme they've been Amcoming to Csee
To Fforget about Glife for a Cwhile C
And the Cpiano Gsounds like a Amcarnival C
and the Fmicrophone Csmells like a Dbeer G
And they Csit at the Gbar and put Ambread in my Cjar
and say Fman what are Gyou doing Chere' C
AmLa da Cda de de Da D7 D7 Am
C D7 D7 G G7 G* G7*
da da de de Da da DA
CSing us a Gsong you're thAme piano maCn
FSing us a Csong tonDight G
Well we're aCll in the mGood for a mAmelody C
and Fyou've got us Gfeeling all Cright C
C G Am C F G C C F F C C F F
-G7- -G7* -G*-
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