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Fmaj7Take me to the rooftop I wannaE7 see the world when I stop Am7breathing Turning Cmaj7blue Fmaj7Tell me, love is endless, E7don't be so pretentious Am7Leave me, like you doCmaj7 (like you do)
If you Fmaj7need me Wanna E7see me Better Am7hurry 'Cause I'm leaving Cmaj7soon
Fmaj7Sorry, can't save me now E7 Am7Sorry, I don't know howCmaj7 Fmaj7Sorry, there's no way outE7 (sorry) But downAm7, mm downCmaj7
Fmaj7Taste me, the salty tears on E7my cheek That's what a year-long Am7headache does to youCmaj7 I'm Fmaj7not okay, I feel so scattered E7Don't say I'm all that matters LeaveAm7 me Deja vuCmaj7
If you Fmaj7need me WannaE7 see me You betterAm7 hurry I'm leaving Cmaj7soon
Fmaj7Sorry, can't save me now E7 Am7Sorry, I don't know howCmaj7 (sorry) Fmaj7Sorry, there's no way outE7 (sorry) But Am7down, downCmaj7
Dm7Call my friends and tell Them that I Glove themG7 And I'll Cmaj7miss them But I'm not Fsorry Dm7Call my friends and tell them that I Glove themG7 And I'll Cmaj7miss them Fmaj7Sorry