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If I were a bEmoy C9 G Even Djust for a dayEm C9 G D I'd roll Emout of bed C9in the morning And Gthrow on what I wDanted and goEm C9 G DDrink beer with the guysEm C9 G And Dchase after girlsEm C9 G D I'd kick Emit with who I C9wanted And GI'd never get Dconfronted for it EmBecause they'd C9stick up for Gme
DIf I were a boyEm C9 G I think DI could understanEmd C9 G D How it Emfeels to love C9a girl I Gswear I'd be a Dbetter man Em C9 G DI'd listen to herEm C9 G Cause I Dknow how it hurEmts C9 G D When you Emlose the one C9you wanted Cause he's Gtaken you for Dgranted And Ceverything you had got destroyed
Verse -same as first Verse-: If I were a boy I would turn off my phone Tell everyone its broken So they think that I was sleeping alone I'd put myself first And make the rules as I go Cause I know that she'd be faithful Waiting for me to come home Chorus:
DIf I were a boyEm C9 G I think DI could understanEmd C9 G D How it Emfeels to love C9a girl I Gswear I'd be a Dbetter man Em C9 G DI'd listen to herEm C9 G Cause I Dknow how it hurEmts C9 G D When you Emlose the one C9you wanted Cause he's Gtaken you for Dgranted And C9everything you had got destroEm7yed Am
It's a Clittle too Glate for Dyou to come Amback Say its Cjust a misEmtake Think I forDgive you like Amthat If you Cthought I Emwould wait for youD You Cthought wrong
Chorus -same as previous Chorus-: But you're just a boy You don't understand -yea you don't understand- How it feels to love a girl Someday you'll wish you were a better man You don't listen to her You don't care how it hurts Until you lose the one you wanted Cause you've taken her for granted
And Ceverything you had got destroyed Outro: But you're just a boyEm C9 G D