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Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 08:54:39 +0200 From: "[iso-8859-2] Jarek Krikava" <> Subject: CRD: readymade by Beck Transcribed by Jaroslav Krikava on March 23rd, 1998. I'm from the village of Krumvir /The Czech Rebublic/. There are many Beck's songs on the web but Readymade seems to be forgotten. I like this song and think it deserves to be played and sung. Here is what I worked out: Readymade - Beck /Odelay/ -----------------------------
An Dopen Groad where AI can Gbreathe Where the Dlowest Glow is Dcomin to me I can Dpull myGself back Aup back Gdown DStuck toGgether like a Dreadymade
And Dnobody Gknows Awhere we Gbeen DCancelled Grations are Drunning thin DWatches Gtick Aout of Gtune DFalling aGpart like a Dreadymade
CAnd my bags are waiting In the Anext life
DRubbish Gpiles Afresh and Gplain DEmpty Gboxes in a Dpawn shop brain DLicense Gplates AstowaGway DStanding in Gline like a Dreadymade
CAnd my bags are waiting in the Anext life
An Dopen Groad where AI can Gbreathe Where the Dlowest Glow is Dcomin to me I can Dpull myGself back Aup back Gdown DStuck toGgether like a Dreadymade
And my Cbags are waiting in the Anext life


I know I haven't tabbed out the riffs but I hope anybody else will do it. If you have any comments or praise, send it to: *** ***
! Extra ! Here is something that could be close to the very last riffs of Readymade. If you listen to the song you'll know what I mean. In fact this one is not a guitar part but it doesn't matter: eI-------------------------------| BI------5-6-5---------5/6--------| GI-5-7---------7-6-7------6------| DI-------------------------------| AI-------------------------------| EI-------------------------------| *** eI---------------------------------| BI---------------------------------| GI---------------------------------| DI---1-1-1---1-4----1-1-1---1------| AI-4-------4------4-------4---2-2--| EI---------------------------------| ***