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Okay so I've been watching Scott Pilgrim vs the World and thought this song was awesome. So I wanted to put up these tabs. Here's my version Tuning - e B G D A E The entire song is like 9 or 10 chords so yeah. e|-4-4--2-2--0-0--00000000--0-0--0-0--00000000--55555555--3333333| B|-0-0--3-3--0-0--00000000--1-1--1-1--44444444--66666666--3333333| G|-5-5--4-4--1-1--22222222--2-2--0-0--00000000--77777777--4444444| D|-6-6--4-4--2-2--22222222--2-2--2-2--55555555--77777777--5555555| A|-6-6--2-2--2-2--22222222--0-0--3-3--66666666--55555555--5555555| E|-4-4--2-2--0-0--00000000--0-0--3-3--66666666--55555555--3333333| So I'm not too sure about the ending I do hear a little difference at the end on both the song and when Michael Cerra plays it in the movie but ehh. I think it's pretty spot on.