Beck - Mutation
chordsver. 1
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1. Cold Brains
D A G G7 G6
guitar 2 (heavy wa-wa)
synth during chorus
D Cold BArains, unmGoved, untoCuched, ungDlued,
alAone at GlastGsus G
D no thoAughts, no Gmind to Crot behDind
a Atrail of disGasters G7 G6
Aa final cDurse aFbandoned hAearse
Awe ride disoDwned coFrroded to the Ebone
the fields of green are bent, obscene
i lay upon the gravel
a worm of hope a hangman's rope
pulls me one way or the other
a final curse abandoned hearse
we write this song corroded to the bone
harmonica "solo"
a bird of song is heard no longer
in the evacuated heavens
the drain is drawn and drained and gone
and on and on, it doesn't matter
a final curse abandoned hearse
we ride disowned corroded to the bone
harmonica "solo", fade
2. Nobodys Fault But My Own
Guitar is tuned down a whole step, and 1st and 6th strings are dropped to C
D5 Dmaj7 D6 Am7 F Em Bb Am Asus C G/B
D5treated you like a rusty bDmaj7lade
a tD6hrowaway from an oAm7pen grave
Fcut you loose from a Emchain gang and D5let you go
D5and on the day you said it's Dmaj7true
sD6ome love holds, sAm7ome gets used
Ftried to tell you I nEmever knew it could D5be so sweet
Bbwho could ever Ambe so cruel,
Gblame the devil Ffor the Cthings you Asusdo
D5its such a selfish way to lDmaj7ose
the Fway you lose these Emwasted Blues these wD5asted Blues
tell me that it's Cnobody's fault G/Bnobody's fault D5but my own
tell me that it's nobody's fault nobody's fault but my own
tell me that it's nobody's fault nobody's fault but my own
tell me that it's nobody's fault nobody's fault but my own
when the moon is a counterfeit
better find the one that fits
better find the one that lights the way for you
when the road is full of nails,
garbage pails and darkened jails
and their tongues are full of heartless tales that drain on you
who would ever notice you
you fade into a shaded room
it's such a selfish way to lose
the way you lose these wasted blues, these wasted blues
tell me that it's nobody's fault nobody's fault but my own
tell me that it's nobody's fault nobody's fault but my own
3. Lazy Flies
C G A E Fmaj7 C
C G A E Fmaj7 C
ClaGzy Aflies Eall hFovering aCbove
the mCagGistrAate, Ehe puFts on his gCloves
and he lD7ooks to the clGouds
all Fpink and dishCeveled
there mB7ust be some bluCeprints,
some cGreed of the dF#evil
inscFribed in our mCinds
a Amhideous gDame
Fvanishes in Amthin air
the Amvanity of slDaves
Fwho wants to Ambe there'
to sEweep the debFris
to Fharness dead-hoCrses
to Dride in the sGun
a Flife of confCessions
Ewritten in the dFust G#
out in the mangroves the mynah birds cry
in the shadows of sulphur the trawlers drift by
they're chewing dried meat house of disrepute
the dust of opiates and syphilis patients
on brochure vacations
fear has a glare that traps you
like searchlights
the puritans stare
their souls are fluoresecent
the skin of a robot
vibrates with pleasure
matrons and gigolos
carouse in the parlor
their hand-grenade eyes
invalid and blind
a hideous game
vanishes in thin air
the vanity of slaves
who wants to be there'
to sweep the debris
to harness dead-horses
to ride in the sun
a life of confessions
written in the dust
La la la la la la la etc.
end on C
4. Canceled Check
open A tuning
(you can also play it in standard tuning in A, capoed up 2 frets)
here are some of the good country licks used:
E ------15------------7--------------------------
C# -14(15)----2-3-4-5--------7(9)-(9)7-5----------
A -----------2-4-5-6--------------------5(7)-----
E -------------------------------------------7~--
A -----------------------------------------------
E -----------------------------------------------
chords used:
E -B2--D5--E7--A0--F#2---B75---G3-
C# -2--5--7--0--0---2---1-
A -2--5--7--0--1---2---2-
E -2--5--7--0--2---2---3-
A -2--5--7--0------2-----
E -2---------------------
BI hate to do this but Dyou're Aa pEain iAn the Bneck
BI thought you knew this you're DhandiAng me a EcanceAled chBeck
Byou're so helpless your gDirlfrAiends Ethink yAou're a saBint
BI'll give you a quarter I'll Dkeep Amy jEudgemAents to myDself
Dand i get caught up in the mF#oonlight
reaching out for a rotten Begg I don't wB7ant to beg
it's cGrystal clear your tF#ime is nearly gBone
count your blessings and do the things that you should
o the has-beens that never had it so good
stormy weather the kids are making a racket
in the wilderness the wild lives are so mild
6. We Live Again
capo 3rd fret(thanks funkybot)
G A F# G E A C D
Gthese withered hAands have F#dug for a drGeam
sEifted through sAand and leCftover niDghtmares
Gover the hAill a dF#esolate wGind
tEurns shit to gAold and blCows my soul cDrazy
the Gend
o the Aend
Fwe live Cagain
Emo i grow weary of the Asusend A
o hungry days the footsteps of fools
gazing alone through sex-painted windows
dredging the night drunk libertines
stink like a colognes from the newfangled wasteland
Flove is a plague in a Cmix-match E7parade
where the Amcastaways look so derFanged
Ewhen will the children learn to let their wAmildernesses burn
and lCove will be Emnew never Asuscold aAnd A9vacaAnt
these withered hands have dug for a dream
sifted through sand and leftover nightmares
6. Tropicalia
B7#9 G7 A#7 A7 D#7#9 C#7 C#7#9 B7
when they bB7#9eat on a brG7oken guitar
and on the B7#9streets they reek of tG7ropical charms
the embassB7#9ies lie in hG7ideous shards
where tA#7ourists snore and A7decay
when they dance in a reptile blaze
you wear a mask an equatorial haze
into the past a colonial maze
where there's no more confetti to throw
D#7#9you didn't C#7know what to say to youD#7#9rself
love is a pC#7overty you couldn't sC#7#9ell
misery wB7aiting in vague hotB7#9els
to A#7be evicA7ted
you're out of luck you're singing funeral songs
to the studs they're anabolic and bronze
they seem to strut in their millennial fogs
'til they fall down and deflate
now you've had your fun
under an air-conditioned sun
it's burned into your eyes
leaves you plain and left behind
see them eyes and fall
into the jaws of a pestilent love
you didn't know what to say to yourself
love is a poverty you couldn't sell
misery waiting in vague hotels
to be a victim
7. Dead Melodies
capo 5th fret, arpeggiating chords
G D C Em E Am D G D D7
Gwhere will you Dgo when tChis day is EmoveEr
a Amgambler's Dpurse lGays on the rDoad D7
Emstraight to your door
Asnakes have gone crazy toDnight
Dmwinding their wAmay out of siDght D7
a laugh, a joke a sentiment wasted
seasons of strangers they've come and gone
doldrums are pounding,
cheapskates are clowning this town
who could disown themselves now
engineer, slow down this old train
cinders and chaff laugh at the moon
night birds will cackle
rotting like apples on trees
Dmsending their dAmead A7me
8. Bottle of Blues
F E D9 D# G#
i just found me a bottle of blues
some strange comfort for a soul to soothe
ain't it hard ain't it hard,
to want somebody who doesn't want you
and i've been waiting for a year, a day
some strange weather must be blowin' my way
cause i got no mind to go or to stay,
or be left behind
Fholdin' hands with an impotent dEream
Fin a brothel of fake enEergy
Fput a nickel in the graveyard maG#chine
i get D9higher and loG#wer
i get D9higher and loG#wer
like a D9tired soldier with D#nothin' to sD9hoot
and nFowhere to lD9ose this bottle of bClues
egos drone and pose alone
like black balloons all banged and blown
on a backwoods river the infidels shiver
in the stench of belief
i tell my momma i'm a hundred years late
i'm over the rails and out of the race
and the crippled psalms of an age that won't thaw
are ringing in my ears
holdin' hands with an impotent dream
in a brothel of fake energy
put a nickel in the graveyard machine
i get higher and lower
i get higher and lower
like a tired soldier
with nothin' to shoot
and nowhere dreams it's a..
bottle of blues
(repeat first verse)
holdin' hands with an impotent dream
in a brothel of fake energy
put a nickel in the graveyard machine
i get higher and lower
i get higher and lower
like a tired soldier
with nothin' to shoot
and nowhere dreams it's a..
bottle of blues
bottle of blues
9. O Maria
(as played on piano)
C Bb Am G# F G
Amthere was no one G#nothing to Fsee
Amthe night is G#useless and sFo are we
cause Ceverybody kBbnows
the Amfabric of G#folly is Ffallen apart at the sGeams
aAmnd i've been lookin' for a gCood time
Ambut the pleasures are sG#eldom and Gfew
there's no whiskey there's no wine
just the concrete and a worried mind
'cause everybody knows death creeps in slow
til you feel safe in his arms
and i've been lookin' for a new friend
and i don't care if he's decrepit and grey
(trombone solo verse)
o maria haven't you known
days so careless
all on your own
'cause everybody knows the circus is closed
and the animals have gone wild
and i've been lookin' for my shadow
but this place is so bright and so clean
(repeat first verse)
12 string solo:
10. Sing It Again
A A6 A Asus A
a Atown of disreC#7spect
the trains are wDrecked
the night is Ayounger then us
B7nowhere is anywhere eElse
you keep to yourAself
stirring the Ddregs where i have lAayed
Fthe exit sEigns are flashing
Adead ends they won't cDome to life anyAmore
i pledge the rest
i should have guessed
your love was hanging by threads
tongues tied under the moon,
my love is a room of broken bottles
and tangled webs
the misers wind their minds
like clocks that grind their gears
on and on
and if its meant
some accident
some coincidence
crumbs fall out of the sky
when you wander by
the dust clouds blow
nobody's home
oh won't you lay my bags
upon on the funeral fire and sing it again
harmonica solo
Foh won't you Elay my bags
Aupon on the funeral Dfire and sing it agaAin
11. Static
intro riff
Ait's so A6easAy to Dlaugh at yourD6selDf
and all those jokes have already been written
seems like another vain attempt
to let yourself fall out of the oven
Eholy mE9ountaEins
they lD9ook so tired
and Eit's a pE9erfeEct day to Dlock yourself insAide
who you foolin' with the fools are right
it's the same thing but it's almost as different
hard to tell when it pacifies your mind
leaves you stranded with a broken engine
lazy desert looks so mangled
let me drown in a convalescent bliss
Gget up fBmrom your Dbed of rAest
Gbeen a lBmong time sDince you've lAived
F#but the static in your mGind
leaves you Ahollow and unkF#ind
with a sGhock electric Dwave turns you Aon.
you've been flunked out of the devils house
delinquent hygienes are so abrasive
some distortion that's never been known
on the treadmill you've been runnin' forever
holy mountains, they look so tired
and it's a perfect day to lock yourself inside
(A E)4x
12.(unlisted) Diamond Bollocks
Eb Db B A G F E
fuzz bass:
Blooking back at some dead world that looks so new
G#offices and fountains that they named for you
Bdazzlements of accidents rejoice their doom
G#hari-karis spinnin' round the golden looms
Bgirl you dream infections from a nauseous heart
G#choice cut meats from derelict boulevards
(birds chirping)
(no chords)
hear that lonesome whistle blow
no direction to be known
in a senile of revery
a tearful gaze turns away
eroding cold and grey
scented eunuchs clothe our wretchedness
(bass comes back in)
looking back at some dead world that looks so new
offices and fountains that they named for you
so ungrateful to the who's and what's-his-face
terrorist confections look so out of place
Glooking Fback at sCome dead wF#morld that lBooks so nEew
looking back at some dead world that looks so new
looking back at some dead world that looks so new
looking back at some dead world that looks so new
(B A E G)4x