Beck - Cancelled check
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BI hate to do this but Dyou're Aa pEain iAn the Bneck
BI thought you knew this you're DhandiAng me a EcanceAled chBeck
BYou're so helpless your gDirlfrAiends Ethink yAou're a saBint
BI'll give you a quarter I'll Dkeep Amy jEudgmeAnts to mysDelf
DAnd I get caught up in the mF#oonlight
Reaching out for a rotten Begg I don't wB7ant to beg
It's cGrystal clear your tF#ime is nearly gBone
BCount your blessings and dDo tAhe thiEngs thaAt you sBhould
BAll the has-beens tDhat nAever hEad it sAo good B
BStormy weather tDhe kiAds areE makingA a racket B
BIn the wilderness tDhe wAild liEves arAe so mDild
DAnd I get caught up in the mF#oonlight
Reaching out for a rotten Begg I don't wB7ant to beg
It's cGrystal clear your tF#ime is nearly gBone
DAnd I get caught up in the mF#oonlight
Reaching out for a rotten Begg I don't wB7ant to beg
It's cGrystal clear your tF#ime is nearly gBone