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I figured this out based off of a video of Anthony playing this song live before it even had a name. I think it sounds spot on but correct me if I'm wrong. Video: Tuning: DGCFAD I don't know the name of the chord in the bridge, but it's just 067700. If anyone has the name, let me know. Intro: Em, A Verse:
I kEmnow my dear I goAt us here But I'm sC#eeing things like BmI never saw befoEmre. My hEmeart is like a poAwder keg And it bC#lew and burned us boBmth and left you soEmre
But I'm nF#ot afraid to sG#ay I think you're wArong to think we're Bthrough
DEmon't throw away our lives on thC#is last month was hard I do aG#dmit but the hAardest road pays oBff the most
EmI love you more and more each dC#ay and when we fight they're still aG#way Cause yAou're my rock if IB'm still yEmours
Em, A, Em, A Verse:
And EmI never meant to saAy the things I sC#aid when I'm upsBmet and need to veEmnt But nEmow this close to loAsing you I sC#wear I'll never mBake you sad agEmain
But I'm nF#ot afraid to saG#y I think you're wArong to think we're Bthrough
DEmon't throw away our lives on thC#is last month was hard I do aG#dmit but the hAardest road pays oBff the most
EmI love you more and more each dC#ay and when we fight they're still aG#way Cause yAou're my rock if IB'm still yEmours
I kAnow that I prBmomised not to caEmll but prinAcess I nBmeeded you to knEmow that I'd give anything A B E (067700) C# For one more day to stand beside you at your throne I'm nAot cut out to fBmace this world alEmone
D Chorus:
DEmon't throw away our lives on thC#is last month was hard I do aG#dmit but the hAardest road pays oBff the most
EmI love you more and more each dC#ay and when we fight they're still aG#way Cause yAou're my rock if IB'm still yEmours