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Artist: Bayside Song: I Can’t Go On Album: Shudder Tabbed by: Don Tago Email: Drop D tuning: DADGBe Chords Used: EADGBe A: 777--- Bm:-244-- D: 000--- D2:020230 E: 222--- F#:444--- G: 555--- Intro Verse:
D I cF#an't go Don... DeD2flate the air from Gboth of my Dlungs
Then, Riff 1: D G D G e--------------------------------| B-----3-2------------3-2---------| G---------2-0------------2-0-----| D--0--------------0-----------4--| Verse 1: (use Riff 2 for this verse) [Riff 2 at bottom of page]
DFears one by onGe, followed me hDome, and beGcame realiDty I'm a fGailure I'm a Dfreak, I'm a Gchip on your shoulder The lDast thing you Aneed.
Verse 2: (use verse 1 chords and Riff 2) I shudder earthquakes at the thought of a life that's meaningless And with such a promising past but you can always count on me To choke in the end Chorus:
D I F#can't go Don, defD2late the air from bGoth of my lDungs I'll be gBmone, lGong before dDaylight shows it's fAace...
Verse 3: (use verse 1 chords and Riff 2) Honestly I'm taking big strides, in a race towards normalcy Where more is more and less is weak. Where love is crap Emotion speaks for us all. Verse 4: (use verse 1 chords and Riff 2) What's really right? Who's who to say? I can survive alone again. I figured that out the hardest way. The forecast calls for fire But flames sound nice today. Chorus: (use chorus chords) I can't go on, deflate the air from both of my lungs I'll be gone, long before daylight shows it's face... It's old and worn-and it's mouth smiles no more I'm worth my weight in potting soil, maybe I've tried to hard to care Solo: (solo to come later) D-G x4 Bridge:
D G I left a note on your Dbed. A I don't recall what it sDaid G Something like how I'm comEpletely miserable and GI'm better off dAead.
Chorus: I can't go on, deflate the air from both of my lungs I'll be gone, long before daylight shows it's face... It's old and worn-and it's mouth smiles no more I'm worth my weight in potting soil, maybe I've tried to hard to care Outro Chorus: (repeat 3x and fade out on 3rd)
D I cF#an't go Don, (I can't go D2on) defGlate the air from Dboth of my Bmlungs G D A
====================================================== Riff 2: Verse palm muted guitar accompaniment(play note 4x for every one note) D G D G e------------------------------------| B---3-2------3-2------3-2------------| G-------2--------2--------2-4-2------| D-0-------0--------0------------2-0--| D G D G e-----------------------------------| B---3-2-------2-3---3---3---3---3---| G-------2-4-2-----4---4---2---2-----| D-0---------------------------------| D A e-------------------| B----3---3---2---2--| G----------2---2----| D--0---0------------|