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Just my way of playing it. The actual version just uses power chords. This version is good to play acoustically. Cheers. Intro Dm Bb x2 Verse
DmBlack as a beBbacon In a river of shimmering fDmog Yes she Bbwas
DmIf you were heat-seeBbking She was hard to ignDmore Yes she wBbas
GmAnd she Bbsnapped Wing Dmmirrors off of CadilFlacs Gm The parBbticularly pretty onesDm
GmAnd tBbhat Meant she Dmnever had to strain her Fback Gm When she was Bbputting her lippy Dmon
DmWell, time tastes blBband Dm When she's nBbot around And Dmyou'd sit and you'd sink and approach the brink BeforeBb she showed you how to shake love's steady haDmnd Tha knBbows
GmAnd she Bbsnapped Wing Dmmirrors off of CadilFlacs Gm The parBbticularly pretty onesDm
GmAnd tBbhat Meant she Dmnever had to strain her Fback Gm When she was Bbputting her lippy Dmon
BbShake love's steady Dmhand BbShake love's steady DmShe floats like a niccy rush but she stings like a BBb-flat DmThe Blond-o-Sonic Shimmer Trap Bb
GmAnd she Bbsnapped Wing Dmmirrors off of CadilFlacs Gm The parBbticularly pretty onesDm
GmAnd tBbhat Meant she Dmnever had to strain her Fback Gm When she was Bbputting her lippy Dmon