Arctic Monkeys - Four out of five
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[Intro] Guitar 1 (Electric)
e|--------------------------------------------------------| x2
Guitar 2 (Acoustic)
e|-0-0-0------0--0-0----0-0-0------1--------------------------------------| x2
G|-------------4-2-----------------------------------------| x2
Am Am7 Am Am Am7 Am F Am Am7 Am Am Am7 Am F
[Verse 1]
AmAdvertise in imaginative ways
AmStart your free trial today
FCome on in the waters, lAmovely
AmLook you could meet someone you like
during the meteor strike
FIt is that easy
AmLunar surface on a saturday day night
AmDressed up in silver and white with
FColoured old grey whistle test lights
EmTake it easy for a Amlittle while
FCome and stay with us
GIt's such an easy flight
EmCute new places keep onAm popping up
FSince the exodus it's all gGetting gentrified
EmI put a taqueria Amon the roof Fmaj7it was well reviewed
GFour Emstars Fout of AmfivAm7eee AmandAm7 thaAmts unheard Fof
[Verse 2]
AmBridge and tunnel on the starlight express
AmThe hero of special effects in my Fmind's eye
AmHokey cokey with the opposite sex
AmThe things you try to forget
FDoesn't time fly
AmI'm in no position to give advice, AmI don't want to be nice
FAnd you know that,
[Chorus 2]
EmTake it easy for a lAmittle while
FCome and stay with us
GIt's such an easy flight
EmCute new places keep on Ampopping up
FAround Clavius it's all Ggetting gentrified
EmThe information action Amratio is the Fplace to go
GAnd you Emwill Amnot rFecoGgnise the old headquarters
CmAll the nights that never happened and the daCdim7ys that don't exist
GAt the iDdim7nformation Cmaction Cm7ratio
C#mThe only time that we stop laughing is to breaC#dim7the or steal a kiss
BI can Cdim7get yoC#mu on the list for C#madd6all the clubs
BI can Cdim7lift yC#mou up another C#madd6semitone
DmTake it easy for a little while
CCome and stay with us
FIt's such an easy fDmlight
CCute new places keep on popping up
CSince the exodus iFt's all getDmting gentrified
DmThe information action ratio Cis the place to go
FFour stars out ofDm five
DmTake it easy for a little while
CCome and stay with us
FNow, it’s such an easyDm flight
DmCute new places keep on popping up
CAround Clavius,F it’s all geDmtting gentrified
DmI put a taqueria on the moon
CIt got rave reviews
FFour stars out oDmf five
DmTake it easy for a little while
CCome and Cmaj7stay with us
FFour stars out Dmof five