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These are just the chords if you were to just play and sing the song, there are other tabs which have all the fills and riffs if you wanted to incorporate them. pretty sure this is right.
AmOutside the Fcafe by the Amcracker factoryF You were Ampracticing a Fmagic Ctrick E And my Amthoughts got Frude, as you Amtalked and Fchewed On the Amlast of your Fpick and Cmix E
Said your mistaken if your Amthinking that I Fhaven't been caught Amcold beforeF As you Ambit into your Fstrawberry Clace E And then a Amflip in your atFtention in the Amform of a gFobstopper Is all you have Amleft and it was Fgoing to CwasteE
AmYour past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged
And I love that little game you had called Crying lightning And how you like to aggravate the ice-cream man on rainy afternoons
The next time that I Amcaught my own Freflection It was Amon it's way to Fmeet you AmThinking of Fexcuses to postCpone E You never look like Amyourself from the Fside But your Amprofile did not Fhide The fact you Amknew I was apFproaching your Cthrone E
With folded Amarms you occuFpy the bench like AmtoothacheF Saw them, puff your Amchest out like you Fnever lost a Cwar E And though I Amtry so not to Fsuffer the indAmignity of a reFaction There was Amno cracks to Fgrasp or gaps to Cclaw E
And your Fpast-times, conDmsisted of the strange And Amtwisted and deranged And I Amhate that little game you had called FCrying Dmlightning And how you like to Amaggravate the icky man on rainy afternoons
FUninvDmiting But Amnot half as impossible as everyone assumes You are Fcrying Dmlightning Am
Your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I hate that little game you had called
FCrying Dmlightning AmCrying lightning FCrying Dmlightning AmCrying lightning
Your Fpast-times, conDmsisted of the strange And Amtwisted and deranged
And I hate that little game you had called
FCrying Dm