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I watched the Andy Grammer tutorial on Youtube to learn how to play this song! And he's the one that teaches it in the video So I KNOW it's right! [= Enjoy! ~JD Martinez Here's the link: Artist: Andy Grammer Song: Keep Your Head Up Intro x1/Verses/Chorus/Bridge: Dm C Am G Pre-chorus: Em F G Verse 1:
Dm I've been waiting on the Csunset Bills on my mAmindset I can't deGny they're getting Dmhigh Higher than my inCcome My income's Ambreadcrumbs I've been Gtrying to surDmvive The glow that the Csun gives Right around Amsunset GHelps me realDmize This is just a Cjourney Drop your Amworries GYou're gonna turn out Emfine.
FOh, you'll turn out fGine. EmFine, Foh, you'll turn out fGine.
But you gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh. You gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh. I know it's Dmhard, know it's Chard, To reAmmember sometCimes, But you gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh.
Verse 2 (Same progression as Verse 1.):
Dm I've got my hands in my Cpockets, Kickin' these Amrocks. It's kinda Ghard to watch this life go Dmby. I'm buyin' into Cskeptics, Skeptics Ammess with, The Gconfidence in my Dmeyes. I'm seeing all the Cangles, Starts to get Amtangled I Gstart to compromDmise My life and the Cpurpose. Is it all Amworth it? GAm I gonna turn out Emfine?
FOh, you'll turn out Gfine. EmFine, Foh, you'll turn out Gfine.
But you gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh. You gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh. I know it's Dmhard, know it's Chard, To reAmmember sometCimes, But you gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh.
DmOnly rainbowsC after rain, The Amsun will alwaysG come again. DmIt's a circleC, circling, AAmround again, it comes aGround again. I say Dmonly rainbowsC after rain, The Amsun will alwaysG come again. DmIt's a circleC, circling, AAmround again, it comes aGround
But you gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh. You gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh. I know it's Dmhard, know it's Chard, To reAmmember sometCimes, But you gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh.
You gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh. You gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh. You gotta keep your Dmhead up, Coh, And you can let your Amhair down, Geh.
Dm C
I said "OAmoooh know know Gknow know!" Improv on guitar Ad-lib words to end