Andrew Lloyd Webber - The rum tum tugger
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SONG: The Rum Tum Tugger
ARTIST: Andrew Lloyd Webber
From the musical, Cats
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
If you A#9offer me pheasant, I'd rather have grouse
If you Eput me
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
in a E7house, I-
would Emuch pre-
fer a E7fla-
t If you Dput me-
in a D7flat, th-
en I'd Drather h-
ave a D7hou-
se If you Eset me-
on a E7mouse, then I only want a E7rat-
If you Dm7/Gset me on a rat, then I'd rather chase a mouse Dm7/GAnd there A#9isn't any call for me to shout it
For he Dwill do as he A/Edo d
oAnd F#mthere
The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore
's A/Eno doing anything about itA#9When you let me in, then I want to go out
I'm Ealways
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
on the E7wrong si-
de of Eeve-
ry E7doo-
r And as Dsoon as-
I'm at D7home, the-
n I'd Dlike to-
get aD7bou-
t I Elike-
to E7lie in the bureau E7dra-
wer But I Dm7/Gmake such a fuss if I can't get outDm7/GAnd it A#9isn't any use for you to doubt it
For he Dwill do as he A/Edo d
oAnd F#mthere
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast
's A/Eno doing anything about it Am - D7 - EmMy A#9disobliging ways are a matter of habit
If you Eoffer
me E7fish, t-
hen I Ealways w-
ant a E7fea-
st When there Disn't-
any D7fish, t-
hen I Dwon't-
eat D7rab-
bit If you Eoffer-
me E7cream, th-
en I Esniff-
and E7sne-
er For I D7only like what I find for myselfSo you'll catch me in it right E7up
The Rum Tum Tugger is artful and knowing
The Rum Tum Tugger
to my ears If you Dm7/Gput it away on-
the larder shelf Dm7/GDoesn't care for A7a cuddle
But I'll leap on your E7lap in the middle of your sewing
For there's Dm7/Gnothing I enjoy like a horrible muddle Dm7/G
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there A#9isn't any need for me to spout it
D A/E --
For he will do as he do do
F#m7And the
re's A/Eno doing anything aD7bow, awow, about it!