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Tuning: E A D G B E
[Chords] C#m x46654 B x24442 A x02220, 577655 D#7 x68696 D#m7 x68676 G#m7 464474 A/C# x4765x Bsus2/A x06400 Asus2 x04200 E 022100 E/F# 2x2100 E/G# 4x2100 [Intro] C#m Bsus2 (x4) [Verse]
There's a C#mlittle black Bspot on the C#msun todBay C#m Bsus2 C#m Bsus2 It's the Asame old Bthing as AyesterBday D#7 D#m7 A There's a C#mblack hat Bcaught in a C#mhigh tree tBop C#m Bsus2 C#m Bsus2 There's a fAlag pole Brag and the Awind won't Bstop G#m7 A/C# Bsus2/A Asus2
I have stEood here beE/F#fore inside the E/G#pouring rAain With the wEorld turningE/F# circles running E/G#'round my brAain I guess EI'm always E/F#hoping that you'll E/G#end this rAeign But it's Emy destE/F#iny to be the E/G#king of pAain
There's a C#mfossil that'sB trapped in a C#mhigh cliff wBall C#mThat's my sBoul up theC#mre B There's a dAead salmon frBozen in a wAaterfBall G#m7That's my soul up thAere There's a C#mblue whale bBeached by a spC#mringtide's eBbb C#mThat's my sBoul up theC#mre B There's a bAutterflBy trapped in a spAider's wBeb G#m7That's my soul up thAere
I have stEood here beE/F#fore inside the E/G#pouring rAain With the wEorld turningE/F# circles running E/G#'round my brAain I guess EI'm always E/F#hoping that you'll E/G#end this rAeign But it's Emy destE/F#iny to be the E/G#king of pAain
BThere's a king on a thrEone with his Aeyes torn out BThere's a blind man lEooking for a shAadow of doubt BTher's a rich man slEeeping on a A/F#golden bed BThere's a skeleton cEhoking on a crAust of brC#mead
[Interlude] C#m B C#m B C#m B C#m B A B A B G#m7 A [Verse]
There's a C#mred fox Btorn by a C#mhuntsman's pBack C#m Bsus2 C#m Bsus2 There's a blAack winged gBull with a brAoken bBack G#m7 A There's a C#mlittle blackB spot on the C#msun todBay C#m Bsus2 C#m Bsus2 It's the sAame old thBing as yAesterdBay G#m7 A
I have stEood here beE/F#fore inside the E/G#pouring rAain With the wEorld turningE/F# circles running E/G#'round my brAain I guess EI'm always E/F#hoping that you'll E/G#end this rAeign But it's Emy destE/F#iny to be the E/G#king of pAain E E/F# E/G# A Queen of pain E E/F# E/G# A Queen of pain E E/F# E/G# A Queen of pain E E/F# I'll aE/G#lways be AQueen of pain
Below you'll find the same song played with a capo on the 2nd fret. Capo 2nd Fret [Chords] Bm x24434 A x02220 G 320033 C#7sus4 x46474 C#m7 x46454 F#m7 242252 G/B x2543x Em6 x04200 Em7 x02000 D xx0232 D/E 00x232 D/F# 200232 Gsus2 3x0233 [Intro] Bm Asus2 (x4) [Verse]
There's a Bmlittle black Asus2spot on the Bmsun toAsus2day Bm Asus2 Bm Asus2 It's the Gsame old Athing as GyesterAday C#7sus4 C#m7 G There's a Bmblack hat Asus2caught in a Bmhigh treeAsus2top Bm Asus2 Bm Asus2 There's a fGlag pole Arag and the Gwind won't Astop F#m7 G/B Em6 Em7
I have stDood here beD/Efore inside the D/F#pouring Gsus2rain With the wDorld turningD/E circles runningD/F# round my brGsus2ain I guess DI'm always D/Ehoping that you'll D/F#end this rGsus2eign But it's Dmy destD/Einy to be the D/F#king of pGsus2ain
There's a Bmfossil that's Asus2trapped in a Bmhigh cliff Asus2wall BmThat's my Asus2soul up BmthereAsus2 There's a dGead salmon frAozen in a wGaterfAall F#m7That's my soul up thGere There's a Bmblue whale bAsus2eached by a spBmringtide's eAsus2bb BmThat's my Asus2soul up BmthereAsus2 There's a bGutterflAy trapped in a spGider's wAeb F#m7That's my soul up thGere
I have stDood here beD/Efore inside the D/F#pouring Gsus2rain With the wDorld turningD/E circles runningD/F# round my brGsus2ain I guess DI'm always D/Ehoping that you'll D/F#end this rGsus2eign But it's Dmy destD/Einy to be the D/F#king of pGsus2ain
AThere's a king on a thrDone with his Geyes torn out AThere's a blind man lDooking for a shGadow of doubt ATher's a rich man slDeeping on a G/F#golden bed AThere's a skeleton cDhoking on a crGust of brAmead
[Interlude] Bm Asus2 Bm Asus2 Bm Asus2 Bm Asus2 G A G A F#m7 G [Verse]
There's a Bmred fox Asus2torn by a Bmhuntsman's pAsus2ack Bm Asus2 Bm Asus2 There's a blGack-winged gAull with a brGoken bAack F#m7 G There's a Bmlittle blackAsus2 spot on the Bmsun todAsus2ay Bm Asus2 Bm Asus2 It's the sGame old thAing as yGesterdAay F#m7 G
I have stDood here beD/Efore inside the D/F#pouring Gsus2rain With the wDorld turningD/E circles runningD/F# 'round my bGsus2rain I guess DI'm always D/Ehoping that you'll D/F#end this rGsus2eign But it's Dmy destD/Einy to be the D/F#king of pGsus2ain D D/E D/F# G Queen of pain D D/E D/F# G Queen of pain D D/E D/F# G Queen of pain D D/E I'll aD/F#lways be GQueen of pain