Alabama - Down home
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Down Home
By Alabama
Date: December 11, 2002
By: Charles Brooks,
GJust off of the Dbeaten path
CA little dot on a sDtate road map
CThat's where I was Dborn & where IG'll die
GThings move at a sDlower pace
CNobody's in a Drat race
AnCd these days that's a spDecial way to fGly
CDown GHome where they know you by name and Ctreat you like faDmily
CDown GHome a man's good word & a hCandshake are all yDou need
CFolks Emknow if they're fallin on hard times tChey can fall back Aon
GThose of us raised Cup DDown HGome
GIn the corner of a haDrdware store
CGathered round a chDecker board
COld men telling Dlies & crowniGng kings
GKids drivin round the Dold town square
CTops rolled down in the Dcool nite air
CGo & see what'Ds shakin at the DairGy Queen
CWhen I was a bDoy I couldn't wGait to leave this pClace
But Dnow I wanna sCee my children rDaised
CDown GHome C D
CDown GHome C D
CFolks Emknow if they're fallin on hard times tChey can fall back Aon
GThose of us raised Cup DDown HGome
Where they know you by name and tCreat you like fDamily
CDown HGome a man's good word &C a handshake are all yDou need
CFolks Emknow if they're fallin on hard times Cthey can fall back Aon
GThose of us raised Cup DDown HGome
CDown GHome C D
Way Down Home
Down Home
Down Home
Way Down Home
Down Home