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This is how I play my simplified acoustic version of this song. I play the G as 320033 and Cadd9 as x32033 Intro - D
DIn the east the wind is Ablowing The Gboats across the Dsea And their sails will fill the Amorning And their Gcries ring out to Dme DOh Cadd9 oh DohD..Cadd9......Doh the more it Achanges The Gmore it stays the Dsame And the hand just re-Aarranges The Gplayers in the Dgame
DOh Cadd9 oh Doh Doh Doh Bmoh I had a Gdream It seems I stood aDlone And the Dve De Bmeil of all the Gyears Goes Asinking from my eyes like a Dstone
D G A D x 6 Verse 1
A king shall fall and Gput to death by the AEnglish parliaDment shall be Fire and plagues to GLondon come in the Ayear of six and Dtwenties three An emperor of GFrance shall rise Awho will be born near DItaly His rule shall Gcost his empire dear NaApoleron his Dname shall beD Cadd9 D Cadd9
Verse 2
DFrom Castile does GFranco come and the Agovernment driven Dout shall be An English king Gseeks divorce and Afrom his throne cast Dout is he One named Hister Gshall become a Acaptain of Greater DGermanie No law does this Gman observe and Abloody his rise and Dfall shall beD Cadd9 D Cadd9
DMan man your Gtime is sand your Aways are leaves upDon the sea I am the eyes of GNostradamus Aall your ways are Dknown to me DMan man your Gtime is sand your Aways are leaves upDon the sea I am the eyes of GNostradamus Aall your ways are Dknown to me Cadd9 D Cadd9 D
D G A D x 6 Verse 3
DIn the new land of AmGerica three Abrothers now shall Dcome to power Two alone are Gborn to rule but Aall must die befDore their hour Two great men but Gbrothers not Amake the north uDnited stand It's power be Gseen to grow and Afear possess the Deastern lands D Cadd9 D Cadd9
Verse 4
DThree leagues from the Ggates of Rome a APope named Pol is Ddoomed to die A great wall that divGides a city Aat this time is Dcast aside These are the signs I Gbring to you to Ashow you when the time is nigh
DMan man your Gtime is sand your Aways are leaves upDon the sea I am the eyes of GNostradamus Aall your ways are kDnown to me DMan man your Gtime is sand your Aways are leaves upDon the sea I am the eyes of GNostradamus....all your ways are Dme A Bb G D Cadd9 D