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Capo: 1 Tuning: E A D G B E
Night of the Fourth of May (capo on 1st fret) [Intro] Dm (Riff some other time...Most chords best played as Bar chords)
DmAh the days they flew bGy and the lFeaves fell fCrom the treesDm FAnd many times you caCme around and many timBbes Fyou slept withGm me FAnd every time that Cwe made love you wrote it Bbdown in your FdiGmary DLady of ladies
GmBut I would Falways Gmsay to yoFu don't aEbsk about tomDorrow GmGive what you Fhave take Gmwhat you Fneed, your Ebtime is only Dnow EbDon't try to tie me down to Dpromises CmLive for today, today is Dall there is GmAnd freedom Ebseems to be eDverything toGm me
DmI took you down Gto a party onF the night ofC the fourtDmh of May FAnd a strange and growing Crestlessness had Bbhung in the Fair all Gmday FThe need to try and Ctear down and Bbdestroy aFll that we Gmmade DLady of ladies
GmYou whispered in my eFar andGm asked me iFf I fanEbcied Dher Gmyou told me tFhat he'dGm phoned you Fwhen I was Ebin AmeriDca Ebdaring each other just to Dsay okay Cmswap for tonight didn't I aDlways say Gmthat freedom Cmseems to be Deverything toGm me CmAnd she came and she Dsat down beside Gmme Cmand you found an Dexcuse to go downstaGmirs Cmand she smiled and Dmade the Ebkind of conversation that you Ddo Cmand later Don she said my last Gmtrain has gone Cmoh I wonder if Dyou would take me Gmhome Cmand I found you in the Dhallway Gmand told you that was all that I would Ddo Ebjust run her home and it’s tDhrough Cmoh I thought that you Dknew Gmbut I must confBbess, FI laid my head on her Ebbreast Gmand it seemed so Fhard to pull it Ebaway Gmher hand touched my Bbhand and her Feyes were offering the Ebrest Gmif it wasn't for Fyou oh I would have Ebstayed Gmbut I came back Fhome through the Gmmorning to find you Flying Gmawake Gmand I knew all at Fonce what you'd Gmdone and I heard myself Dsay
Gm(1 Down stroke per beat) why did you have to sleep with him anyone else wouldn't have mattered half as much as him
DmI don’t want to Gtouch you sFomehow you fCeel uncDmlean FI just wish that Cyou were five hundred Bbmiles Faway from Gmme FDon't talk at all, don't Cstart to cry just Bbpick up Fyour Gmthings Lady of Dladies GmAnd though I'd Falways Gmtold myseFlf that wEbhen our time Dended GmI'd walk Faway with Gmno regrFets and Ebno attempts to Dstay EbSomehow it doesn't seem to Dbe that way CmI find I'm needing every Dword you say GmThis freedom Cmseems to be Deverything toGm me CmAnd you Dwent up to CGmambridge and you Cmstayed in yourD brother's rGmoom CmAnd you wrote me a Dletter and Ebsent it the same afternDoon CmYou said I Djust want to Gmhurt myself. Oh I nCmeed you Dso badly nGmow CmAnd you told me Dwithout you tGmhere seems to be no horizon atD all CmJust no crack in the Dwall, nCmo place lower to Dfall Gm"Hey don't Fleave me, don't Gmleave me, Gmthe shapeleFssness of the daGmwn GmFloods aFbove and Gmbeneath me, I just can'Dt go on CmAnd I had to walk right into the Dtrap, and I Ebhad to say please come Dback GmThough I felt all the Fwhile my Gmresistance slipping Daway
Gm(1 Down stroke per beat) Why did I have to fall for you anyone else wouldn't have hurt me half as much as you