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Capo: 3
Artist: Adele Song: Skyfall Tabbed by:DJ 5th Oct 2012 Tuning:Standard Capo: 3rd fret (Sounds in key of Cm) **********
|Am9 / / / / | / / / / | | Am/ / F/ / | D/ / / / | Am/ / F/ / | D/ / / / |
| Am/ / F/ / | D/ / / / | Am/B / / / / |Esus4 / / E/ / | This Amis the end, F D hold your breath, and cAmount-F-- to ten, D Am F D Am/B Esus4 E Feel the earth move, and then... hear my heart burst a - gain--------, For this Amis the end,F/A D7/A I've drDm7/Aowned, and dreamt this moAmmentF/A, D7/A Dm7/A Am F/A D7/A Dm7/A F/C Esus4 E So overdue I owed them, swept a - way, I'm stolen--------!
Let the Amsky fall, Am/Gwhen it cruFmbles, Fmaj7/E Dm7 F/C Bm7b5 E7 We will stand tall, and face it all---- to - gether, Let the Amsky fall, Am/Gwhen it cruFmbles, Fmaj7/E D D/C Bm7b5 E7 Am Am+5/F Am6/F# We will stand tall, and face it all together at sky fall! Am+5/F Am Am+5/F Am6/F# Am+5/F At sky fall!
Am Am+5/F Am6/F# Sky fall is where we start, Am+5/F Am Am+5/F Am6/F# A thousand miles, and poles apart, Am+5/F Am Am+5/F Am6/F# Where worlds collide, and days are dark, you may have my number, Am+5/F Am/B Esus4 E You can take my name, but you'll never have my heart---------!
Let the Amsky fall---, Am/Gwhen it cruFmbles, (Let the sky fall!) (When it crumbles!)
Fmaj7/E Dm7 F/C Bm7b5 E7 We will stand tall---, face it all---- to - gether, (We will stand tall!)
Let the Amsky fall---, Am/Gwhen it cruFmbles, (Let the sky fall!) (When it crumbles!)
Fmaj7/E D D/C Bm7b5 We will stand tall---, face it all together... (We will stand tall!) E7 Am sky fall--------------! (Let the sky fall... when it crumbles!) Am Am Adim Am Am/G ( We will stand tall! ) | / / / / | / / / / |
Am ( Let the sky fall, when it crumbles!) Am ( We will stand tall! ) | Am/ / / Am7 / | Am6 / / / / |
Where you go,Dm6 I go, what yEou see, Fmaj7 I see, I know I'd C/Gnever beE7/G# me without the se - cuAmrity...Am/G of your loFving arms,Fmaj7 Dm7 F/C Am/B Esus4 E Keeping me from harm, put your hand in my hand, and we'll stand--------!
Let the Amsky fall---, wAm/Ghen it cruFmbles, (Let the sky fall!) (When it crumbles!)
Fmaj7/E Dm7 F/C Bm7b5 E7 We will stand tall---, face it all---- to - gether, (We will stand tall!)
Let the Amsky fall---, Am/Gwhen it crFumbles, (Let the sky fall!) (When it crumbles!)
Fmaj7/E D D/C Bm7b5 E7 Am We will stand tall------------, face it all together at sky fall! (We will stand tall!) Am Am/G F Fmaj7/E Dm7 F/C Bm7b5 Let the sky fall-----------------------! We will stand tall-------- | / / / / | / / / / | E7 Am Am/G F Fmaj7/E Dm7 E7 Am9 sky fall-------------------------! Oo -oo---------! | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / || ************* Chords relative to capo position: Am9 = x07500 Am+5/F = x03210 Am = x22100 Am6/F# = x04210 F = 133211 Adim = x01210 D = xx0232 Am/B = x22210 E7/G# = 4x2400 D/C = x30232 Am7 = x02213 Bm7b5 = x20201 Am6 = x02212 Esus4 = 022200 Dm6 = xx0201 E = 022100 Fmaj7 = 133210 F/A = x03211 C/G = 332010 D7/A = x00212 Dm7/A = x00211 F/C = x33211 Am/G = 302210 Fmaj7/E = 033210 Dm7 = xx0211