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No Capo, Standard Tuning All Power Chords I tried to explain the chords a little to help with getting the pattern down... I'm thinking there will be some "newer" guitarists trying this one out given the popularity of the song and driving acoustic riff. It's fun to play so enjoy! Stay on the LOW E STRING. You basically Palm Mute the whole song. Play the Bm on the 7th fret of the E string e.g. e|-------------| B|-------------| G|-------------| D|-----9-------| A|-----9-------| E|-----7-------|
BmThere's a fire F#starting in my heart A F# slide to A then move up to Bm Reaching a fever pitch, and it's bringing me out the dark BmFinally I can F#see you crystal clear A F# A then slide to Bm Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare BmSee how I'll leave with eveF#ry piece of you A F# A then slide to Bm Don't underestimate the things that I will do BmThere's a fireF# starting in my heart A F# A then slide to G Reaching a fever pitch And it's bringing me out the dark
GThe scars of Ayour love remind me oF#f us F# G (Stay on G) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all GThe scars of Ayour love, they leave me breaF#thless F# (stay on F#) I can't help feeling
F# Bm slide down to A We could have had it all
ARolling in the deGep GYou hAad my heart inBmside of your haAnd A G A slide to Bm And you played it to the beat
BmBaby, I have no stF#ory to be told ABut I've heard one of you A F# A then slide to Bm And I'm gonna make your head burn BmThink of me in the deF#pths of your despair AMaking a home down there A F# Slide up to A then down to G As mine sure won't be shared
GThe scars of yAour love remind me ofF# us F# G (Stay On G) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all GThe scars of yAour love, they leave me breatF#hless F# (Stay On F#) I can't help feeling
F# Bm slide down to A We could have had it all
ARolling in the dGeep GYou hAad my heart insBmide of your hanAd A G (Stay on G) And you played it to the beat A G slide up to A We could have had it all A Bm slide down to A Rolling in the deep A G (Stay On G) You had my heart inside of your hand G A (Stay On A) But you played it with a beating
(Technically no Chords here... Tap Your Guitar and Foot to the Beat :) Throw your soul through every open door Count your blessings to find what you look for (Start Playing Again)
BmTurn my sorrow into treasured gold Bm (Until Pre-Chorus) You pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow
Bm(You're gonna wish you Anever had met me) We could have had it all G G Slide up to A then to Bm (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) We could have had it all Bm(You're gonna wish you Anever had met me) GIt all, it all, it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
G A Bm slide down to A We could have had it all
ARolling in the Gdeep GYou haAd my heart inBmside of your hanAd AAnd you plGayed it to the beat
G A Bm slide down to A You could have had it all
ARolling in the deGep GYou hAad my heart iBmnside of your hAand
G (Keep Strumming G) But you played it You played it You played it
GYou played it Ato the bBmeat.