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DmYou said I'm Cstubborn and I A7never giveDm in DmI think you're Cstubborn 'cept you're A7always softDmening DmYou say I'm Cselfish, I agA7ree with youDm on that DmI think you're Cgiving out in A7way too muchDm in fact DmI say we've Conly known each A7other oneDm year DmYou say CI've known A7you longer myDm dear DmYou like to Cbe so close, A7I like to beDm alone DmI like tCo sit on chairs and A7you prefer theDm floor DmWalking with eCach other, think we'll A7never match atDm all DmBut CweA7 do Dm... and so on, same chords