Adele - Make you feel my love
chordsver. 11
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chords ver. 19
bass ver. 1
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ukulele ver. 2
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I've seen some strange things in other tabs, the augmented Gb (F#) being an
Eb for instance. In this version you can really see the up- and downgoing
bass notes. E.g. in the verse you go from Bb to A, to Ab, and in the bridge
from Eb to F, to Gb, to G. It sounds best on piano of course, but with some
nice voicings it can sound well on the guitar, too.
E-mail your additions and corrections to jellevanderwerff @
Bb - F/A - Ab - Eb - Ebm - Bb - C7 Eb - Bb
BbWhen the rain is blowing F/Ain your face
AbAnd the whole world is Ebon your case
EbmI could offer you a warm Bbembrace
C7To make you Ebfeel my lBbove.
BbWhen evening shadows and the F/Astars appear
AbAnd there is no one there to Ebdry your tears
EbmI could hold you for a Bbmillion years
C7To make you Ebfeel my Bblove.
EbI know you haven't made your Bb/Fmind up yet
GbaugBut I would Eb/Gnever do you wroBbng.
EbI've known it from the moment Bbthat we met
C7No doubt in my mind where you Fbelong
BbI'd go hungry, I'd go F/Ablack and blue
AbI'd go crawling down the Ebavenue.
EbmNo, there's nothing that I Bbwouldn't do
C7To make you Ebfeel my Bblove.
Bb - F/A - Ab - Eb - Ebm - Bb - C7 Eb - Bb
EbThe storms are raging on the Bb/Frollin' sea.
GbaugAnd on the Eb/Ghighway of reBbgret
EbThe winds of change are blowing Bbwild and free.
C7You ain't seen nothing like me Fyet.
BbI could make you happy, make your F/Adreams come true.
AbThere’s nothing that EbI would not do.
EbmGo to the ends of the Bbearth for you
C7To make you Ebfeel my Bblove.
C7To make you Ebfeel my Bblove.