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Capo: 1
CAPO 1 Intro: Em | G | D | C Verse 1:
HEmellGo, itD'sC me. I was woEmndering if aGfter all thesDe years you'd like tCo meet, to Emgo ovGer everytDhing.C They say that Emtime's supposed to Gheal you, but I ain'tD done muchC healing. HeEmlloG, can youD heCar me? I'm in CaEmliforniaG dreaming about who weD used to be Cwhen we were younger Emand G DfreCe. I've forEmgotten how iGt felt before the Dworld fell at ourC feet.
Pre-Chorus 1:
There's such a GdiffDerence BmbetweeCn us and a GmilDlionC miles.
EmHello frCom the otheGr sDide, I mEmust've callCed a thousandG tiDmes To telEml you I'Cm sorry, for eGverything that I've dDone, But when I Emcall youC neverG seem to be Dhome. EmHello fromC the ouGtsiDde, At lEmeast I cCan say that I'vGe tDried To tellEm you I'mC sorry, fGor breaking your Dheart, but it don't mEmatter, it cClearly doesn'Gt tear yoDu apart anymorEme. G D C
Verse 2:
EmHellGo, how Dare Cyou? It's so EmtypicalG of me to talDk about myself, I'Cm sorry. I EmhopeG that you'reD weCll. Did you Emever make Git out of that town where notDhing ever hCappened?
Pre-Chorus 2:
It's noG seDcret that thBme bothC of us are GrunningD out ofC time.
So, Emhello frCom the otheGr sDide, I mEmust've callCed a thousandG tiDmes To telEml you I'Cm sorry, for eGverything that I've dDone, But when I Emcall youC neverG seem to be Dhome. EmHello fromC the ouGtsiDde, At lEmeast I cCan say that I'vGe tDried To tellEm you I'mC sorry, fGor breaking your Dheart, but it don't mEmatter, it cClearly doesn'Gt tear yoDu apart anymorEme. C D G
Ooooohh, EmanymoCre. D G Ooooohh, EmanymoCre. D G Ooooohh, EmanymoCre. AnyDmore.
EmHello frCom the otheGr sDide, I mEmust've callCed a thousandG tiDmes To telEml you I'Cm sorry, for eGverything that I've dDone, But when I Emcall youC neverG seem to be Dhome. EmHello fromC the ouGtsiDde, At lEmeast I cCan say that I'vGe tDried To tellEm you I'mC sorry, fGor breaking your Dheart, but it don't mEmatter, it cClearly doesn'Gt tear yoDu apart anymorEme. G D C Em