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It's Begin With: E G D D C A The whole song is so til you came to the last verse cos it's are only E and A
ENo one knew wGhere he came from Dhe never knew himself DCall her ma calCl he pa but Ahe was born to someone else
ENo one fooled Gor messed hiDm around DCause they Cwere all aDfraid
EAint no lies G DIce in the eyCes of Leroy KiAncaid
ECold HGearted MDan DOne Time LoCver heart inA his hand
ECold heGarted mDan DAnd you can not truCst nothing you don'At understand
ECold HGearted DMan DCold HeCarted MAan
Verse 2 Same like the first one Chorus same like the frist one
Esometimes you cAan't see it EThe other Side
EIt's too well Hidden EFor the naked eye
EOne Time lover EWith his heart in his hand
ETwo Time Loser EBroken man
ECold HeGarted mDan DCold HeCarted mAan Reapets 6-7 Times
Thanks and Hope you like the Song and Chords