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Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e - mail any corrections to:- =========================================================================== Thankyou For The Music - Abba ABBA SING THIS IN “ E “ WHICH IS LISTED BELOW C D#dim Dm7 G7
CI'm nothing D#dimspecial, in Dm7fact I'm a G7bit of a Cbore Gm7 C7 F A7 Dm Dm7 G7 G7b13 If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before But CI have a talent, a Gwonderful thing 'Cause Ceveryone C7listens whenF I start toFm sing I'm so Amgrateful and proud All I Dmwant is to Dm7sing it out G7loud, so I say
CThank you for the Dmmusic, the G7songs I'm Csinging AmThanks for Am7all the D7joy they're G7bringing CWho can live withDmout it, I Emask in Am7all honesFty What would life Fmbe? Without a Csong or a C7dance what are Awe? So I say Dmthank you for the Fmusic For G7giving it to Cme D#dim Dm7 G7
CMother says I was a D#dimdancer bDm7efore I cG7ould Cwalk Gm7 C7 F A7 Dm Dm7 G7 G7b13 She says I began to sing long before I could talk And IC've often wondered, how Gdid it all start? Who fCound out that C7nothing can Fcapture a hFmeart Like a Ammelody can? Well, who - Dmever it was, Dm7I'm a fG7an, so I say
CThank you for the Dmmusic, the G7songs I'm Csinging AmThanks for Am7all the D7joy they're G7bringing CWho can live withDmout it, I Emask in Am7all honesFty What would life Fmbe? Without a Csong or a C7dance what are Awe? So I say Dmthank you for the Fmusic For G7giving it to Cme D#dim Dm7 G7
Fm6I've been so Clucky, I am the Fm6girl with golden Chair I wanna Fm6sing it E7out toAm everyAm7body Dm7What a joy, what a life, G7what a chance!
CThank you for the Dmmusic, the G7songs I'm Csinging AmThanks for Am7all the D7joy they're G7bringing CWho can live withDmout it, I Emask in Am7all honesFty What would life Fmbe? Without a Csong or a C7dance what are Awe? So I say Dmthank you for the Fmusic For G7giving it to Cme D#dim Dm7 G7
DI'm nothing Fdimspecial, in Em7fact I'm a A7bit of a Dbore Am7 D7 G B7 Em Em7 A7 A7b13 If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before But DI have a talent, a Awonderful thing 'Cause Deveryone D7listens whenG I start toGm sing I'm so Bmgrateful and proud All I Emwant is to Em7sing it out A7loud, so I say
DThank you for the Emmusic, the A7songs I'm Dsinging BmThanks for Bm7all the E7joy they're A7bringing DWho can live withEmout it, I F#mask in Bm7all honesGty What would life Gmbe? Without a Dsong or a D7dance what are Bwe? So I say Emthank you for the Gmusic For A7giving it to Dme Fdim Em7 A7
DMother says I was a Fdimdancer bEm7efore I cA7ould Dwalk Am7 D7 G B7 Em Em7 A7 A7b13 She says I began to sing long before I could talk And ID've often wondered, how Adid it all start? Who fDound out that D7nothing can Gcapture a hGmeart Like a Bmmelody can? Well, who - Emever it was, Em7I'm a fA7an, so I say
DThank you for the Emmusic, the A7songs I'm Dsinging BmThanks for Bm7all the E7joy they're A7bringing DWho can live withEmout it, I F#mask in Bm7all honesGty What would life Gmbe? Without a Dsong or a D7dance what are Bwe? So I say Emthank you for the Gmusic For A7giving it to Dme Fdim Em7 A7
Gm6I've been so Dlucky, I am the Gm6girl with golden Dhair I wanna Gm6sing it F#7out toBm everyBm7body Em7What a joy, what a life, A7what a chance!
DThank you for the Emmusic, the A7songs I'm Dsinging BmThanks for Bm7all the E7joy they're A7bringing DWho can live withEmout it, I F#mask in Bm7all honesGty What would life Gmbe? Without a Dsong or a D7dance what are Bwe? So I say Emthank you for the Gmusic For A7giving it to Dme Fdim Em7 A7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
F Abdim Gm7 C7
FI'm nothing Abdimspecial, in Gm7fact I'm a C7bit of a Fbore Cm7 F7 Bb D7 Gm Gm7 C7 C7b13 If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before But FI have a talent, a Cwonderful thing 'Cause Feveryone F7listens whenBb I start toBbm sing I'm so Dmgrateful and proud All I Gmwant is to Gm7sing it out C7loud, so I say
FThank you for the Gmmusic, the C7songs I'm Fsinging DmThanks for Dm7all the G7joy they're C7bringing FWho can live withGmout it, I Amask in Dm7all honesBbty What would life Bbmbe? Without a Fsong or a F7dance what are Dwe? So I say Gmthank you for the Bbmusic For C7giving it to Fme Abdim Gm7 C7
FMother says I was a Abdimdancer bGm7efore I cC7ould Fwalk Cm7 F7 Bb D7 Gm Gm7 C7 C7b13 She says I began to sing long before I could talk And IF've often wondered, how Cdid it all start? Who fFound out that F7nothing can Bbcapture a hBbmeart Like a Dmmelody can? Well, who - Gmever it was, Gm7I'm a fC7an, so I say
FThank you for the Gmmusic, the C7songs I'm Fsinging DmThanks for Dm7all the G7joy they're C7bringing FWho can live withGmout it, I Amask in Dm7all honesBbty What would life Bbmbe? Without a Fsong or a F7dance what are Dwe? So I say Gmthank you for the Bbmusic For C7giving it to Fme Abdim Gm7 C7
Bbm6I've been so Flucky, I am the Bbm6girl with golden Fhair I wanna Bbm6sing it A7out toDm everyDm7body Gm7What a joy, what a life, C7what a chance!
FThank you for the Gmmusic, the C7songs I'm Fsinging DmThanks for Dm7all the G7joy they're C7bringing FWho can live withGmout it, I Amask in Dm7all honesBbty What would life Bbmbe? Without a Fsong or a F7dance what are Dwe? So I say Gmthank you for the Bbmusic For C7giving it to Fme Abdim Gm7 C7
GI'm nothing A#dimspecial, in Am7fact I'm a D7bit of a Gbore Dm7 G7 C E7 Am Am7 D7 D7b13 If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before But GI have a talent, a Dwonderful thing 'Cause Geveryone G7listens whenC I start toCm sing I'm so Emgrateful and proud All I Amwant is to Am7sing it out D7loud, so I say
GThank you for the Ammusic, the D7songs I'm Gsinging EmThanks for Em7all the A7joy they're D7bringing GWho can live withAmout it, I Bmask in Em7all honesCty What would life Cmbe? Without a Gsong or a G7dance what are Ewe? So I say Amthank you for the Cmusic For D7giving it to Gme A#dim Am7 D7
GMother says I was a A#dimdancer bAm7efore I cD7ould Gwalk Dm7 G7 C E7 Am Am7 D7 D7b13 She says I began to sing long before I could talk And IG've often wondered, how Ddid it all start? Who fGound out that G7nothing can Ccapture a hCmeart Like a Emmelody can? Well, who - Amever it was, Am7I'm a fD7an, so I say
GThank you for the Ammusic, the D7songs I'm Gsinging EmThanks for Em7all the A7joy they're D7bringing GWho can live withAmout it, I Bmask in Em7all honesCty What would life Cmbe? Without a Gsong or a G7dance what are Ewe? So I say Amthank you for the Cmusic For D7giving it to Gme A#dim Am7 D7
Cm6I've been so Glucky, I am the Cm6girl with golden Ghair I wanna Cm6sing it B7out toEm everyEm7body Am7What a joy, what a life, D7what a chance!
GThank you for the Ammusic, the D7songs I'm Gsinging EmThanks for Em7all the A7joy they're D7bringing GWho can live withAmout it, I Bmask in Em7all honesCty What would life Cmbe? Without a Gsong or a G7dance what are Ewe? So I say Amthank you for the Cmusic For D7giving it to Gme A#dim Am7 D7
EI'm nothing Gdimspecial, in F#m7fact I'm a B7bit of a Ebore Bm7 E7 A C#7 F#m F#m7 B7 B7b13 If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before But EI have a talent, a Bwonderful thing 'Cause Eeveryone E7listens whenA I start toAm sing I'm so C#mgrateful and proud All I F#mwant is to F#m7sing it out B7loud, so I say
EThank you for the F#mmusic, the B7songs I'm Esinging C#mThanks for C#m7all the F#7joy they're B7bringing EWho can live withF#mout it, I G#mask in C#m7all honesAty What would life Ambe? Without a Esong or a E7dance what are C#we? So I say F#mthank you for the Amusic For B7giving it to Eme Gdim F#m7 B7
EMother says I was a Gdimdancer bF#m7efore I cB7ould Ewalk Bm7 E7 A C#7 F#m F#m7 B7 B7b13 She says I began to sing long before I could talk And IE've often wondered, how Bdid it all start? Who fEound out that E7nothing can Acapture a hAmeart Like a C#mmelody can? Well, who - F#mever it was, F#m7I'm a fB7an, so I say
EThank you for the F#mmusic, the B7songs I'm Esinging C#mThanks for C#m7all the F#7joy they're B7bringing EWho can live withF#mout it, I G#mask in C#m7all honesAty What would life Ambe? Without a Esong or a E7dance what are C#we? So I say F#mthank you for the Amusic For B7giving it to Eme Gdim F#m7 B7
Am6I've been so Elucky, I am the Am6girl with golden Ehair I wanna Am6sing it G#7out toC#m everyC#m7body F#m7What a joy, what a life, B7what a chance!
EThank you for the F#mmusic, the B7songs I'm Esinging C#mThanks for C#m7all the F#7joy they're B7bringing EWho can live withF#mout it, I G#mask in C#m7all honesAty What would life Ambe? Without a Esong or a E7dance what are C#we? So I say F#mthank you for the Amusic For B7giving it to Eme Gdim F#m7 B7