Never Shout Never - Black cat
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Tuning: G C E A
Cm G
CmThe black cat fGirecracker sCmnapped back bGaseball cappin'
CCmola-cola sGippin' on the sCmuds wearing pGenny loafers
His SCmunday best aGin't good enough for Cmthe rest of the wGorld
FYet he stGands in line and waFits on his tuCmrn G Cm G
The cCmomplex diGsconfigured maCmn unassocGiated
Cm G Cm G F`
Agitated with the careful investigator taking notes
He slowly tiptoes tCmowards the dark G
WAbatercolor sunset pCmainted before his eyes
The gAbateway has been opened to the woGnders of his mind
HAbe was a non-believer noCmw without a doubt
He lAbooks up at the clouds the chemical swGirls fading in and out
Cm G Cm G
The pCmeacekeeper dGrafted into wCmar with a loGaded rifle
UCmnaware of cGonsequences cCmold war ended wGith a spaceship hCmas kind of sGhakers
He has bCmeen programmed tGo believe a lFie
Yet he stands there with a gun on the frCmont line
BAblood red color sunset paCminted before his eyes
The vAbeil has been lifted as he waGtches his friends drop like flies
AbHe was a non-believer noCmw without a doubt
He lAbooks down at his paws the guts he haGd spluttered on the ground
Yeah yeAbah
Yeah yeGah
Yeah yeAbah
Yeah yeGah
The family gGot the letter it was a mCmessage clear and true
The hAbero he had fallen for the redCm white and blue
AbHe was a non-believer noCmw without a doubt
His bAbody lays six feet under the ground
The bGlack cat's nine lives they ran out